Croydon & Sutton

Coombe Lodge

104 Coombe Road
EmailmoC.daerbtihW@nodyorc.egdolebmooc Telephone(020) 8686 2030
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessParkingRestaurantFunction RoomWiFi
Opening times: Mon–Sat 11:30-23:00; Sun 12:00-22:30
Regular beers: Fuller's London Pride, Marston's Pedigree

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Coombe Lodge is a grade II listed Georgian building, which is probably the most impressive pub structurally in Croydon. A pub only since 1990, it is now operated by Whitbread under their 'Beefeater' brand. The left of the building as you face the entrance is the restaurant, and to the right is the large bar, adjoined by a splendid Victorian conservatory. Outside is a large garden. Although only a short distance from the centre of town, Coombe is an almost rural situation, despite the tram and main road passing outside the entrance. The site also has a modern Premier Inn building and large car park but this does not detract from the impressive older house. Breakfast is available earlier than the times shown here (see web site) and bar meals are also available.